Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to bring in daily?

The only items you need to bring in is your child’s nursery bag with spare clothes, their daily diary book, outdoor clothing suitable for the weather and comforters if required.

Can I drop off before 7.30am and/or pick up after 6.30pm?

No. Our registration is from 7.30am-6.30pm, therefore we are unable to have any children on the premises before or after this time. We ask all parents to be at the nursery by 6.30pm so staff can give a detailed handover of their child’s day. It can also be upsetting for children when parents are late, therefore the nursery does charge a late fee for persistent late pick-ups.

When do invoices need to be paid by?

We ask that invoices are paid by the 5th of each month. Invoices are sent electronically around the 24th of the month for the month ahead meaning parents should never get into arrears.

Do you accept childcare vouchers/tax free childcare?

Yes, we welcome all the different childcare voucher companies and accept the governments tax free childcare.

Does the nursery provide the free 15hrs/30hrs education from the government for 3 and 4yr olds?

The nursery does accept the funded 15hrs/30hrs from the government for 3 and 4yr olds however this is subject to space available.

When is the nursery closed during the year?

The nursery is open 51 weeks of the year. It is closed for a week over Christmas and New Year and all public bank holidays.

Do we get a refund if our child doesn’t attend?

No, there are no refunds for when your child is absent from the nursery for either sickness or holidays.

I need to change the days my child attends, can this be done?

At Glaisdale we understand that it can be difficult arranging childcare to suit your own working pattern. On occasions parents working patterns do change and they need to increase or decrease day that their child attends. In any case the nursery asks for one months written notification of changing days. If we are able to change your child’s attendance pattern then of course we will but this is dependant on space being available.

Can family friends pick up my child?

Yes providing you have given the nursery advanced warning, and they know the password for collection. the nursery will not release a child to someone that we didn’t know was picking up.

What should I do if my child is ill?

When your child is poorly, the best place for them is at home with their parents, not in a busy nursery. Within the nursery we have a duty of care towards the children and the staff making sure that they can attend a nursery that is free from infections, therefore we ask parents to refrain from sending their child into nursery when they are poorly.

If a child was to become poorly whilst at nursery, we would monitor the situation and if required we would than contact parents to collect.

Can medication can be given to my child whilst at nursery?

Staff are able to administer any medication which has been prescribed by a doctor. When dropping off at nursery, parents are asked to fill out a medication form with what the medication her been prescribed for, the dosage and time required.

If your child is on long term prescribed medication such as Ventolin for asthma, we would ask parents to give staff permission to administer the medicine when at nursery.

Staff are not able to administer medicine such as cough syrups.

Do children go outside in all weathers?

Yes. The children will still venture outside for play come rain or shine. outdoor play and learning are a vital part of your child’s day whilst with us at nursery. The EYFS states that ‘outdoor learning has equal value to the indoor environment’ and that ‘outdoor learning has a positive impact on children’s well-being and development’.

We do ask that children come appropriately dressed for all weather so that they can experience all the garden has to offer.

Does the nursery have students attending?

Yes. At Glaisdale we believe that everyone needs the opportunity to experience a working environment. Students are never left alone with the children and are always accompanied by a member of the staffing team.