British Values
Since 2014 it is an OFSTED requirement to demonstrate how we actively promote ‘British Values’ within our settings.
Teaching the children British Values provides guidance on developing their spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development. This is a huge benefit for the children to leave our setting and their future schools/settings prepared for a modern life in Britain.
There are 4 values that we look into and adapt into our settings on a daily basis.
Please see below on how we implement these:
This means letting the children know that their opinions and views really count. Letting them ask their questions and encourage their inquisitive sides and this lets them know that they are being listened too.
We respect and listen to our peers when they are discussing anything of importance or of which they want to share. Ways of which we demonstrate democracy in action is during circle times the children will vote for their Book of the Week or which activity they would like to do. Giving the children choice and encouraging their confidence in being able to make those decisions for themselves.
We provide activities that involve and include turn taking. Sharing and collaboration which builds up the children’s respect of themselves and each other.
Rule of Law
How we promote the Rule of Law in our settings every day is by following our ‘Golden Rules’. Our Golden Rules are discussed and created with the children and staff.
They make an agreement on the rules about tidying up, our walking feet and inside voices…. It is important to ensure that the children understand that the rules apply to everyone… including the team!
Self-Regulation is vital to teach children, it helps them to understand not just their own but other’s behaviours and enables them to come to terms with how they are feeling and supporting them to be able to manage them. We carry out daily Yoga sessions with our children which is an amazing way to introduce self-regulation to your child. Focusing on their movement, feelings, breath and just taking time to relax.

Individual Liberty
We provide opportunities for the children to develop their self-knowledge, self esteem and increase their confidence within their own abilities.
Through our planning we build from our children’s interests… What they are talking about, what they are showing an interest in within the room, do they particularly enjoy a certain activity/area within the room and encourage the children to express these interests. Parents will send in their Weekend News which will show what the children have been showing an interest in and what experiences they have had. We encourage the children to talk about these experiences and to share them with us and their peers and have their voice displayed around the room.
By celebrating all cultures and festivals of the children within the room, we are supporting children’s understanding and celebrating our individuality and encouraging this.

Mutual Respect and Tolerance
This also links into our Rule of Law, it is supporting the children to model respectful relationships, understand how their actions make others feel. Talking about feelings and encouraging children to express them effectively.
By celebrating all cultures and festivals of the children within the room, we are supporting children’s understanding and celebrating our individuality and awareness by promoting diverse attitudes and challenge stereotypes. We have various books which discuss feelings, how our actions make others feel and how we can show respect to the unique backgrounds of everyone within our setting.
We visit Sutton Court care home which is located a short drive from Glaisdale. We have found this such a valued and appreciated time for all involved. The children will go to see their ‘Elders’ as they are called and will involve them in their play and give the children and residents the chance to talk about their experiences and interests.